Don’t Let Your Dog Loose Their Way Back Home

It’s technology whose time has come, right? We can track cargo clear around the world with GPS Tracking devices; we should be able to keep track of our dogs the same way. This is in fact, happening now. But there are a few clarifications that need to be made about the technology that has been adapted for the pet market.

First, there is no such thing as a GPS microchip embedded under a dog’s skin. Microchip technology that exists now does not provide a signal that is emitted from the small device so that the owner can find their dog when it becomes lost. This technology is used for informational and identification purposes only.

The information contained in the chip includes things like the dog’s name and description and the owner’s name. These devices have been in use since around 1990 and carry some debate and controversy as to whether or not they contribute to cancer and/or tumors in dogs.

GPS microchip collars are a misnomer. They do not use GPS Tracking technology to track your dog. You get the same services as the implanted chips that go under the skin. The only difference is that these chips are usually larger and might include a USB-based memory device that can be connected to a computer in order to retrieve data stored therein.

The only GPS Tracking based system for dogs comes in the form of GPS Collars; specifically, tracking devices that are designed for the express purpose of keeping track of a dog’s whereabouts.

While these devices have been around for a few years now, additional technology advancements make them even better. Previously, the only ways to find out the location of your dog was to use a handheld receiver or a PC with an Internet connection.

Now, you can use your smartphone with Internet capabilities. This allows an owner to go mobile with their own phone to find the dog that is lost.

GPS collars are somewhat large and bulky, which means that they have been reserved only for larger breeds of dogs, but that is changing. Smaller, less obtrusive devices are being developed to outfit smaller dogs, too.

For these devices you will find an initial price for the collar, and then a monthly monitoring fee. These vary by manufacturer, so it is best to shop around. Look for reviews by existing users to help you make the decision on which product is best for you and your dog. Once outfitted, rest assured that finding your dog will never be a problem again.

James Neely, Writer and Entrepreneur…is a freelance writer who writes about GPS Tracking systems. Visit this link: tracking devices [] to find the right system to meet your needs.

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