5 Must Know Things in Basic Dog Training

For the true dog lover, nothing comes first for his dog but the best of everything that he can offer, and that includes the most effective dog training program to develop a healthy and lasting master and pet relationship and a well behaved demeanor that will be the envy of other dog owners. A well trained and disciplined dog will be able to avoid numerous dog health problems because the dog listens to what its owner says and this will prevent any mishaps from happening. And if the dog is disciplined, the owner will most likely spend much more time with it allowing them to have a stronger bond and this will develop in the dog a happier character. Like humans a dog that is free from stress will live a longer life.

Basic dog training means the foundation of a dog?s education. If you want a well behaved dog and one that will learn a few tricks in the future, then this basic training will prepare your dog. As the dog?s owner it is your responsibility that this foundation is laid out and the best tools that you can use is love, consistency, and tons of patience. Making sure that all your time ad efforts are effective, here are five things that an owner must know before starting a basic dog training program:

1. Keep the dog focused at all times during every training session. Your pooch?s attention is very important during every command being taught, so try to say your dog?s name after every command. By giving it all your focus, your dog will feed off that and give its attention as well, which in turn will allow it to retain the basic dog training program you are teaching it.
2. Keep every training session short. Some dogs can get easily tired while some have short attention spans; whatever type of dog you may have though, a training session that takes too long will get the dog bored and will lose its focus. Instead of doing a 1 hour session, spread it out into 4 to 5 sessions of 10 to 15 minutes each day.
3. Keep it simple by teaching only one command at a time. It may take some time before a dog learns a command, so mixing two or three commands at the same time may just complicate matters and prolong the training process.
4. Keep on praising your dog for a job well done and avoid scolding him if he strays from the training program. Have treats on hand for your dog for reward every time he does a good job of following commands. Treats plus rewards reinforce the training program allowing for more progress.
5. Keep your training sessions fun but don?t treat it as if it were play time. Both you and your dog must understand that it is not all fun and games and that although you may have some fun during your sessions, should remain focused at all times.

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