Basic Dog Training – Getting Your Dog to Come to You

Basic dog training is an essential recipe to a successfully trained and well behaved dog. These lays out as the foundation for all the further training that a dog will encounter and it ensures that a dog becomes disciplined, and one of these basic dog training includes the teaching of the come command.

Teaching your dog this command is essential as it can save you a lot of trouble and save your dog from getting into trouble as well. There are a number of reasons why you should teach your dog this command and the greatest of which is to prevent it from becoming road kill. If you live in a highly populated area where there is a lot of traffic, it is a high possibility that one day your dog may decide to run off into a busy road and find itself in front of a speeding car.

A new dog or puppy may not listen to your command for a number of reasons, first it doesn?t know your voice yet, and it doesn?t see it as an authority, therefor it isn?t motivated to listen to you. Also, it doesn?t know what the word or command means, so you may shout it at the top of your lungs it won?t make a difference to the dog. This will all change when you decide to do basic dog training with your new puppy.

Here is a step by step procedure on how to teach the command come.

Step 1: Look for a quiet area where you can do your training program free from distractions. Attach the dog to a retractable leash and let the dog sit.
Step 2: Move a couple of paces away from your dog keeping its attention to you.
Step 3: Standing in front of your dog, hold a treat in one hand and call out its name to bolster its attention and say the command.
Step 4: When the dog goes to you, receive the dog with lots of praises, some hugs to show your love, and give it the treat.
Step 5: Repeat the process each day keeping the training sessions short, around five minutes each day.
Step 6: Once your dog is ready, do the training without the leash.

Just make sure that you are able to have the time to consistently do the training. Also, load up on patience as the dog may not respond immediately to the training. Always show a positive demeanor and reinforce the good behavior of your dog. Keep the praises and treats coming and prevent any shouting or hitting the dog. Expect the training to go slowly and don?t get your hopes up too high to prevent any disappointments. Like small kids, dogs have short attention spans so it may take numerous short sessions before it can finally comprehend what you are asking it to do.

Once you have trained your dog the come command, you will be able to move on to other training programs.

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