Basic Dog Training Tips and Tricks

A dog that has been left on its own without any training will soon prove to be more of a headache than a source of joy and companionship to its owner. Canine behavioral issues are very common occurrences and if left unchecked, you may find your home dirty and stinking with dog waste, furniture chewed up, and possibly kids and visitors being growled at and bitten.

There is no excuse for not providing a pet dog with at least some basic dog training, it?s not really very hard to do and all it requires is some patience and a little bit of your time each day. If you haven?t had any experience in training a dog, here are some tips and tricks which can help you to begin.

Set your mind straight that your dog won?t understand a word you say. So no matter how much you tell it to stay away or to stop what it is doing, it won?t have any idea as to what you are saying. You may shout all you want but this won?t change a thing. Be patient and cool. The dog may eventually get what you mean with the words you are using by prodding it to do what you mean and repeatedly doing it. If you want it to sit down, push its hind legs down and say sit at the same time. Do this repeatedly until he gets it. Provide positive reinforcement with the command by providing dog treats once they get what you mean by your command.

Make the training process fun. Dogs have short attention spans and can get bored easily. Play with the dog and make it look like you are having fun as well. Keep your training sessions short especially on hot days. Dogs, especially those with thick fur and small bodies easily get tired and dehydrated and will act up once it is not feeling well. Have water and treats handy at all times.

Sometimes your dog may misbehave, don?t reprimand it by punishing him or hurting him. Tower over your dog and look into its eyes and say in a firm voice that you don?t like what it is doing. Assert your alpha status over it.

More importantly though you should let the dog know that you love him or her. Praise the dog often and hug it. Showing affection is more effective to command respect and trust than punishing it and hurting it. Dog training will be so much easier when you and your dog have that special bond or connection. When your dog understands that you are its master, then it will do most anything that it could to make you happy, and that includes following the training.

Following these few simple tricks and some of the effective dog training techniques used today, you will soon have an obedient and loving dog that will be more of a joy than a source of headaches and other worries.

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