Dog Training Treats: When All You Want To Give Him Is a Treat

Dog training could be done in a number of effective ways. There are those that require the owner to be committed and patient while others require the use of harmful treatments. However, for a relatively reasonable and safe way of training a canine, professionals recommend the use of dog training using treats.

When using this method, the owner could chose either of the two rewards or punishments using the dog treat. When a behavior is favorable or a command is correctly demonstrated, the owner should give the dog a treat as a reward while punishment in the form of denying the dog the treat should be used only when the dog misbehaved or did not follow the command. The dog should get used to this kind of training until he learns to associate dog treats with pleasing behavior.

As part of a reward or punishment, dog treats could serve the following purposes:

? Encourage the dog to perform as commanded so that he would receive the reward.

? nEncourage active attitude, obedience and interest on the training in expectation of the reward.

? Praises, when used in conjunction with dog treats, will make the training a lot easier.

? This serves as a literal representation that the dog was able to please you.

? When praising does not work well with a specific dog, he might respond to dog treats.

When to use them
The best time to use treat training is immediately after the dog follows a certain command and exhibited a favorable behavior. He should learn to make a connection between good behavior to praises and treats. Over-using treats will usually spoil its uses and will make him dependent on it.

To make the most out of this technique, the dog should only be given treats during the learning phase. If he is not being trained, it is best not to give him the same treats as used for training sessions.

When teaching the dog a certain command, say “down”, the treat should be placed right on his nose while moving it slowly down the desired direction in accompaniment of the word “down”.

If he performs the command, the treat should be given to him as a reward plus a pat or an encouraging word or phrase, for example “good boy”. Repeat this routine until you could see that he already understands the use of the treat.

As you advance with the training though, you could try replacing the use of dog treats with praising or patting. The aim here is to make him follow the directions. You could use dog treats once in awhile but assure to it that he is not seeing the treat before he performs the command.

There are dog treats that are as plain as cookies and used only for the purpose of reward. But there are special treats that could help in improving internal health, for digestion and even for cleaning the teeth of the dog.

Where to buy them
Dog treats could be bought in food stores, groceries, some specialty stores, pet shops and online vendors. These should cost anywhere from $5 to $30. There are very expensive treats though and some discount bulks that are nearly as varied as human snacks.

However, it could also be home prepared with recipes available online or from books.

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