Avoiding the Basic Mistakes in Dog Training

For many dog owners, becoming a responsible master means providing them with a solid basic dog training program to ensure that they will have the necessary discipline that is a basic requirement for any dog that will have a happy, healthy, and safe living environment with their owners for a long time. Dog training isn?t just about having a dog that you can boss around, shout commands at, or have do tricks to entertain your friends. Dog training is all about building a rapport or bond between the owner and the dog and using this bond to help them understand each other.

Dogs naturally have pack instincts and responds better when the alpha dog position has been established. This is evolutionarily embedded in their genes and for a household with a dog to have a normal relationship this establishment of leadership is essential. You, of course, should establish immediately your role as the leader. When your dog learns this as soon as possible, then you will be making a faster start to progress.

However, there can be a lot of mistakes that one can do in basic dog training that can make a mess and just waste all your time and effort spent on teaching your dog. While its only natural for us to think about the ways and the different steps in training a dog, it is equally important to know as well the mistakes that we can make in dog training to prevent them from happening and making the most of our efforts.

Here are some of the more common mistakes that dog owners encounter in basic dog training:

? Erratic training ? this can involve the type of training process being used and the training schedule. You can?t train a dog in one command and move on to another training program before finishing the first one. Be consistent with the commands that you will be teaching your dog and make sure that it is able to fully master the command before moving on. Also, basic dog training is not an exercise that should be done only when the owner feels doing it. It should be done on a regular basis preferably on the same time each day to breed familiarity.
? Getting frustrated ? Dog training success, like Rome, can?t be built in a day. You need to load up on patience as a dog will not be able to understand what you are saying and you have to keep on repeating the process until it could be able to fully comprehend what the training is about.
? Arguing with the dog ? One of your main goals in basic dog training is to build a bond with your dog, and this means becoming a team. Be one with each other and find ways to make your training a success in unison.
? Not having fun ? If you see dog training as more of a chore than a fun recreation then your dog may sense this and find it to be a chore as well. Liven up your training and make it seem like play time.

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