Basic Dog Training Simplified

For a lot of dog owners, dog training is should be left to the professionals. They are afraid that their lack of knowledge in dog training will just make matters worse and far too difficult to retrain once the damage has been done to their behavior. Their deficiencies in this area has led them to believe that they don?t have the capabilities to train their own dogs and it is far too complex for them to undertake on their own,.

Admittedly, dog training, even basic dog training can be very difficult, but it is not impossible to do. In fact, with the proper research and with ample patience most anyone can do basic dog training. There are a few considerations that you should keep in mind and this will help you progress faster and with less difficulty.

You should start training your dog as early as possible, the first few months since its birth is the ideal age as this is the period where you will have more impact in shaping its character and this is also the age where it has peak capabilities of absorbing the training program. In these first few months, you will already be determining what kind of dog your pet will be when it grows up.

The first two commands that are commonly taught are the commands sit and come. More than just tricks to show off to your friends, these two commands are essential in disciplining a dog and will lay the foundation for further trainings and lessons.

The sit command is especially essential for dogs that are overly enthusiastic and loves to jump around, especially at people. Many persons, especially kids, can see this over eagerness as an act of aggression and may result to fear. Teaching the dog to sit when it becomes excited will calm everybody down.

The come command on the other hand is important for dogs that tend to run or roam away on its own. Instead of tiring yourself chasing after it shouting at the top of your lungs, or wasting time and effort looking for it because you lost sight off it after running away from you, you can just call out the come command and make the dog go back to you. You can use a lead or leash to prevent this from happening but your dog wont get the exercise he or she needs unless you have to walk or run after it the entire time leash in hand. You will, at one point, need to let it free from its lead and let it roam around for itself.

There is really no complicated means of teaching these tow simple basic dog training commands. All you need is a lot of patience and some treats. With the come command. You can coax your dog to come to you showing it a treat. Make sure that you separate yourself with a short distance from the dog and show the dog a treat or a toy while saying come. When he follows your command, give him the treat and praise him. Do it repeatedly until the dog masters it. This tactic works the same way with the sit command. While in ione place, gently push the hind legs of your dog until he sits down while saying the word sit. Give the dog a treat once he is able to do the trick. Repeat the exercise over and over again until the dog gets used to it.

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